We are currently being made aware of one sexual scandal after another. We learn of new scandals among legislative leaders and entertainment icons. Should we be surprised at mass of revelations of sexual impropriety? Not really.
The prophet Hosea said a long time ago, "They sow the wind, and reap the whirlwind.” Mankind sows the wind when sin becomes a way of life. Sin may not be punished immediately so man continues to sin. If sin is punished, it is not that bad of a punishment, so man continues in sin. Eventually, a tipping point is reached and a harvest is reaped that comes in like a whirlwind.
What is unfolding before our eyes with the downfall of large numbers of men in power is the byproduct of the sexual revolution which began in the 1960’s.
In the 1960’s an all-out assault on sexual mores was undertaken. The sexual revolution was sold in our society as a good thing. Sexual freedom would allow people to remove the shackles of repressive, puritanical morality and experience freedom. People are sexual beings, and they need to explore their sexuality when they feel ready, without fear of guilt or shame.
This theme has been drummed into our heads continually, especially in movies and on television. Think of shows like Friends or Sex in the City, which casually promote the idea that you can have sex with multiple partners with no effect on a future marriage relationship.
A culture was built as a consequence of the sexual revolution. The revolution has been in progress for more than 40 years. Now that the whirlwind is hitting, people in favor of that revolution are shocked that there are casualties.
The reality is that when you remove the moral fences around human nature, human nature runs wild. The revolutionaries told men and women it was perfectly acceptable to pursue sexual fulfillment with abandon. With no limits, what is coming out, in our time, regarding sexual immorality should not be a surprise.
We as a society used to have standards of behavior in regard to sexual morality. However, the societal revolutionaries destroyed decent behavior among men.
Once you have torn down the wall of sexual boundaries, can that moral wall be re-established? It can be re-established if men and women are willing to turn back to the biblical standards that guided our nation throughout most American history.
Imagine if we turned back to a one sentence guideline: You shall not commit adultery. Putting this one boundary back in place limits sexual interactions between men and women to marriage only. If this limit were heeded, there would be no sexual harassment since men and women would be dedicated to their spouse or the one who will become their spouse.
It would be wonderful to see a return to the morality God revealed in His word.
The good news is there is coming a time when that will be a reality. As Christians our hope is that day will come soon.
Enjoy God’s Sabbath day,
Gary Smith